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I think it’s an upcoming trend among Gen Zs, they have experienced the covid pandemic when they started to work. Also, many people know that spending time alone or with family is worth more than working.

The notion regarding work might be different between the generations of seniors and the generations of young people. The seniors might think that work is the priority in their life because it gives money and some social status. However young people might think that it might be acceptable to have enough money for just living and food without spending on luxuries.

I think it’s not easy to force employees to work harder like previous generations. So we could think of it in three ways. The first one is those who get paid but work as much as the company expects, not more and try to do something else(another part-time job, focusing on more personal life, hobby) after working hours. The second one is those who want to grow careers and have more experience in work. So they spend more time at work but they focus on their growth rather than the growth of the company. (I mean they also think about the growth of the company but not as much as their growth) And the last one is to take personal time rather than work. After all, these people leave the company for their life.

For me, it’s really important to have a meaningful experience and life. Spending time and working in FuturePlay gives me experiences of how startup investors think and how they help startups to grow more. Working with good people is also super important to me. If I feel working here is meaningless then I’ll leave. So I want to tell my colleagues to have meaningful moments whenever working in FuturePlay.